Sailing a 1975 Biscay 36 OR an Ancient Creek conundrum: "The Ship of Theseus" Theseus and his crew embark on an epic voyage of discovery and over the course of some years every part of the ship is replaced but at different times. Is the ship that returns, the same as the one that left? (with thanks to John Nicholls).
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
What could possibly go wrong?
It all started when ...
That evening at Anchor on the Roach, Vincent started quizzing me on what my ideal boat might be. Well, I'd long harboured the notion of following up my Atlantic circuit on Arctic Smoke in 2016/17 with a still longer (possibly a circumnavigation) sailing Adventure and so I started listing the features I would look for.
My experience of rolling across the Atlantic in Arctic Smoke with my pal Mick in 2016 had led me to conclude - probably wrongly - that a slightly beamier (wider) boat than Arctic Smoke would roll less. On the other hand the fundamental design features of Arctic Smoke - a traditional relatively narrow hull with a long keel that sat in the water rather than on it, were all ones I would want. I was never in my wildest dreams going to own a boat that could outrun bad weather and therefore, one that stood a reasonable chance of surviving it was a high priority.
Something a little bigger would be more comfortable for extended periods. The other thing I hankered after was an aluminium boat. Why? Because, constructed properly an aluminium boat would be stronger than fiberglass. I wouldn't want anything much bigger because single handed sailing was still very much on my agenda.
However, this was all idle speculation because I couldn't afford a bigger boat of any description and indeed despite what follows, I still can't! However Vincent then proceeded to muddy the waters by suggesting that he and his brother would be able to help pay for it! With that genie out of the bottle, I foolishly got carried away and started browsing the yacht brokers there and then. The only immediate result was that despite Vincent's generous offer an Aluminum boat would be out of reach. We did find one that was possible at a stretch but she was in Portugal and we were in the midst of a Pandemic so I wasn't going to buy a boat abroad was I!
Anyway over the following weeks the search continued and I stumbled across a Biscay 36 for sale in Falmouth right at the upper end of the budget I had set. I knew nothing about them but she looked the part and subsequent research confirmed their pedigree in my eyes. I talked Sharon into a trip down to Falmouth (from London) in September 2020 and we checked out the boat. She was basically sound but had been sitting around for some years and would need quite a lot of work and expenditure including a new mainsail, batteries, navigation equipment and a lot of sprucing up. She was therefore quickly ruled out.
During more internet browsing over the following weeks I stumbled across a forum comparing Tradewind 35s (another boat I had designs on) and Biscay 36s. The last post was a couple of years old and so I almost passed over the Forum without further ado, but I didn't, I posted and within the hour and to my complete surprise, a reply came back. Stuart, who writes for the yachting press, had a pal who had a Biscay 36 for sale - the only catch was that it was in Portugal. Within 24 hours I had chatted to Stuart on the phone and then to the owner and had booked a flight out to Albufeira where within a few days the deal was done.
Bonny had clearly been well looked after and was well equipped including: Hydrovane self steering, a trysail, a beefy Beta 38 engine, a nearly new sail wardrobe, radar, chart plotter, AIS transponder and Navtex. Despite all that there are quite a few modifications required to prepare her for serious ocean sailing. The dinette seating layout in the saloon is fine for socialising in a Marina but one wouldn't want the table coming loose in a storm. It also means one loses a sea berth. There are no grab rails down below either and the galley lacks restraining straps, safety bars and worktop fiddles; nor are there lee cloths on the bunks. Arctic Smoke had all these and I know from first hand experience how useful or indeed, essential they are for ocean voyaging.
Most of the above I reasoned could wait until I got Bonny back to the UK but I would need to find a way of securing the saloon table!
The plan therefore would be to return to Albufeira in the spring and sail her back to the UK.
Bonny is now (9/5, 1200 local time) en route to Bermuda having departed Marigot Bay, St Martin, around 1300 on 8/5, in driving rain, grey sk...
Actually that was desert. Breakfast itself was on board Titti4 with Jan and Elli. The last 12 hours or so of the passage over Fr...
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