Less news worthy, but no less concerning is the level of crime and social unrest in Brazil. I've been a member of a WhatsApp group focused on encouraging sailors to visit that country and its clear that plenty are doing so. However, it was after reading a post on the group that sought to reassure potential members of a planned sailing rally, that all would be well, thanks to a strong armed police presence, that I decided Brazil was also not the place for me.
Of course plenty of travellers of all types have visited strife ridden countries and have survived to tell the tale and many have considered their experiences worthwhile and of benefit to the local communties they have engaged with.
It is also true that nowhere is without risk and that goes for my fallback destination - the islands of the Southern Caribbean. But everyone has to draw their own line.
The plan is still to head off in June/July this year once the boat is ready. We may visit Ireland first.