Tuesday 17 September 2024

A Bonny Podcast.....

The view from Deadman's Cove across La Hune Bay to Cape La Hune 

...me in conversation with Podcaster, author and Sailor, Paul Trammell; about sailing to Newfoundland and generally messing around in boats.

In 2023 I read Paul's evocative account of his visit to Newfoundland 'Sailing to Newfoundland'. I was hooked and decided that my goal for 2024 would be to round off part 1 of Bonny's North Atlantic Circuit to follow in Paul's wake and visit Newfoundland too. 

My experience doing so is documented in earlier blog posts, but now you can listen to Paul and me talking about it too!

On my return from my visit I emailed Paul to tell him how he had inspired me to undertake a similar voyage. He was delighted and invited me to join him on his Podcast show to discuss our experiences of Newfoundland and sailing and boats more generally 

If you're interested in listening in to an hour or so of our reminiscing, follow the link below.

You can find lots of other interesting podcast interviews by Paul and his books and poems on his on his website at https://www.paultrammell.com/