Sunday, 25 February 2024

Grenada Part 3 - Bonny's new Solar Wings

Sunday the 18th started (eventually) with consideration of how to make best use of the new solar panels. Initially the intention had been to replace the top panel of 150 Watts with the two new ones, which combined, would produce a theoretical 230 Watts. However, that would have required making a new frame for the new panels and would have left us with no good place to which to relocate the old panel. 

Mick then established that if we repositioned the existing side panels, there would be just enough room to squeeze the new panels on the guard rails. So that's what we did. 

The physical relocation of the existing panels and the installation of the new panels took the whole day. Luckily I had enough bits and bobs on the boat for us to do that. 

The next day after another slow start we got ashore and bought all the cables and connectors we needed to wire the new panels in. That took most of Tuesday but it was worth it. Our maximum charging rate has now jumped from 15 Amps to 25 Amps. Even with the fridge compressors running overtime to keep food cool and to make ice, we're now able to top up the batteries to 100% by midday. They typically start the day at 70%. 

So, with care we should now have enough Amps for all our needs on long passages too - in addition to the fridges, that includes, running the navigation stuff, the watermaker and the Starlink (sparingly). 🤞🤞🤞!

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