Sunday, 7 August 2022

Kynance Cove, The Lizard

[The Geological Society]

This was our evening stop rather than the others. There was quite a swell running to the East of The Lizard and I suspected the the anchorages there, would be very rolly and so we continued round to the West side where the sea was much flatter. Kynance Cove is a beautiful spot and with the day still very warm even at 1800, all three of us braved the chilly waters and went for a swim.

Jo swam all the way to the beach and back but Bast and I made do with swimming round the boat.
A beautiful day turned into a lovely evening....
I cooked dinner - pasta and bolegnaise which seemed to go down well and after the washing up was done we fetched our anchor and with a gentle NE breeze on the beam and making just over 3 knots over the ground, we sailed West for the Isles of Scilly.

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