Monday 22 August 2022

Scilly to St Helen's, Bembridge via Plymouth - short version.

This is very short version because Google docs is refusing to let me copy my full text onto 'Blogger', which I have stopped using for drafting purposes, because it keeps chrashing and so loses all unsaved content!

Anyway, we left Scilly on a grey Thursday morning...
and sailed downwind to Plymouth arriving at Cawsand Bay at 0300 on Friday. 

I spent the rest of the day there and that night and set sail on Saturday morning. 

Used a slightly unconventional sail plan for a few hours on Sunday morning..
Arrived St Helen's, Bembridge, Isle of Wight on Sunday evening and after passing close to the Lifeboat station, anchored north of the Fort to sit out the coming light calms and south easterlies. 
Plan is to leave here around 1300 on Monday when the tide will be favourable and hopefully the wind too 

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