Thursday 6 July 2023

Another change of plan..

You may be able to make out Hastings in the distance - we're about 2 miles off and a few minutes ago we decided to change our plans. We were heading for Eastbourne about another 10 miles to the west, but that was because when we made our plan yesterday afternoon, Basty thought he should head for home tomorrow and we were therefore going to drop him off there. Since then however, Gill encouraged him to stay on longer and so he is! That means we don't have to stop at Eastbourne! 

The weather looks reasonably benign over the next couple of days with periods of calms and light favourable winds commencing this evening and so we will take as much advantage of this weather window by pressing on. Currently we are motoring into light headwinds in order to get past Beachy Head before the tide goes against us (tides are nearly always stronger around headlands). Previously we had spent a few hours making slow progress tacking into them.

That's an essential piece of mechanical equipment masquerading as a beach shoe! It's just the right weight to prevent the gear/throttle leaver from moving itself to a slower position! The other shoe is on Mick's foot! The grey thing with a yellow blob is a winch handle in a plastic holder that badly needs replacing!

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