Sunday, 2 July 2023

In the Begining..

                 The Mate in repose!

... we didn't get up early enough and by the time we had got up, showered, done the shopping, had breakfast, turned the boat round (the boat being in Chatham Maritime Marine) to facilitate fitting the ' 'new' hydrovane rudder, it was 1300 and to make the most of the tides, we should have left at 1100! We eventually locked out at 1330. The upshot was that by 1830 when we should have been rounding North Foreland with the last of the fair ebb tide, we still had some 2-3 hours to go and were punching the foul flood tide. Fortunately, the convergence of the North Sea and Channel tidal streams around the Foreland mean that even late comers like us, still had a couple of hours of South flowing current to enjoy after low water.

I should have said earlier, that on Sharon's suggesion,  I had taken the boat into Chatham Marina on Saturday in order to facilitate the stowing of gear and stores. Charles drove down to Hoo with me and then drove my car round to Chatham where I later met up with Mick, whom Sharon and Vince had driven down. Sailing pal Tony, came down too and finished off a wood work job in the cockpit that he'd started last year. He also brouht a most welcome present of home made cake.

Then it was time to say my goodbyes to Sharon and Vince, following which Mick and I spent the next few hours re+organising the stowage so that we could squeeze the new stores in.

We finally finished around 8 pm and legged it round to the pub for a pint and a fish and chip supper. Sailing pal, Howard with his partner Victoria and his two kids Ewan ans Elsa joined us there for a very convivial evening. Maybe that's why we were rather slow to get going the following day!

With the wind behind us, the sail to Ramsgate was most enjoyable, until, after rounding NorthForeland we had to head South West directly into the blustery wind. We motored for the last hour and once in hot footed it ashore in search of a curry. Which to our great relief we found. It was very good too.

Unfortunately, tomorrow's weather looks rather grim and so we will stay put. Andy has decided not to travel down tomorrow but Basty will. At present, the outlook for Tuesday gives some reason for optimism. I just knew the long spell of easterlies would end when we started our passage west!

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