Wednesday 1 September 2021

Falmouth to Fowye (1/9/21) -Probably the slowest 20 miles in the World!

Our track from Falmouth to Fowye. We actually travelled 35 miles over the ground - getting on for twice the actual distance!

We left Falmouth Haven Marina at 0830 and picked up a mooring at Fowye at 1800. It was only 20 miles but we had a fresh headwind requiring one reef, for the first two thirds of the day and then worse - light headwinds for the last third. We motored the last couple of hours as a consequence.

Local boats racing in Fowye.

Tomorrow afternoon we have a rendezvous in Plymouth with Sharon and our good friend Rayelle, so I'm going to have to get up early!

Mick is cooking spaghetti carbonara tonight because I am too lazy to go ashore!

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