Thursday, 9 September 2021

St Catherine's Point to Beachy Head

The Isle of White was shrouded in cloud as we passed but the day gradually brightened up and by midday the sun was out and we were sailing well at 6+ knots over a sunny flat sea.

By 1230 we were halfway along the Windfarm off Brighton...

Progress will slow in an hour or when the tide changes but hopefully the wind will hold and enable us to keep sailing.

It's been an absutely gorgeous afternoon. Could have done with a bit more wind but what the heck, I'm not complaining. I've been in shorts and a light shirt since 1300 and even now at nearly 1700 I'm soaking up the late afternoon sun in the cockpit. 

We have continued sailing albeit that now, at the height of the foul tide, with Beachy Head 6 miles off, our speed over the ground is down to 2 knots. The tide will lessen over the next hour or so and the wind is due to pick up tonight and so at present, I have no concerns about making it back to Hoo on Saturday. Indeed there is every chance, barring, 'events', that we should make the Medway tomorrow evening.

All good things come to an end though and by 1800 with Beach Head bearing 65° and 4 miles off, the breeze was not sufficient to drive us against the tidal stream and so I furled the Genoa and started motoring at 1500 revs, enough to give us 2.5 knots against the tide. 

As the day draws to a close....
.. we finally round Beachy Head at 1930 shortly after sunset..
Beachy Head Light House bearing 000°

Hhmm! Just done some quick sums and I don't think there's much chance of getting in tomorrow evening after all. It's about 110 miles and we'd need to average over 5 knots from now. Doesn't look like the wind is going to be strong/reliable enough for that. But just in case, I've just (1900) increased the engine revs to 2300 - cruising speed. That's pushing us along at 3.8 knots against a still foul tide. That's due to change at 2100 and we should also start getting the wind back then. However, it will probably be around 0300 before we get decent wind again!

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