Sunday, 21 January 2024

A Pump and Lights - Part 1

On leaving the fuel dock at Port Saint Charles we accidentally clobbered the port side push-pit and knocked/wrenched off the port side navigation light.

Tomorrow - Monday 22/1, I'll have to search of the Chandlerys in Port Elizabeth for a replacement.

On the passage to Bequia the water pump started playing up and eventually refused to function at all. On Thursday morning Mick and Elliot undertook a brief assessment of the pump in situ in the cupboard under the galley sink...

[Here with the pump removed]

Unsurprisingly their conclusion was it would have to come out. I knew that would be a fiddly, time consuming job, having tackled it once before and given Rayelle and Elliot only had limited time with us I decided to put it off until they had left.

Come Saturday morning therefore, Mick removed the pump, identified a couple of dodgy connections and repaired them. We then tested the pump which seemed fine and re-installed it. It worked properly for a few minutes but then started playing up again. 

Mick investigated again and found that the pressure switch was not engaging. So I then removed the pump again for further detailed examination by Mick.

Nothing seemed to be amiss. The pressure switch seemed fine, as were the brushes. So we re-assembled it, re-installed it and .... same problem - intermittent pumping. We also noticed it was sucking lots of air when working and tracked that down to a water-pipe join. That appeared to do the trick initially but then the same behaviour re-appeared!

A bloody mystery! I guess I'll have to look into whether I can get a replacement pump as well as a replacement navigation light!

The other job on the list is the compass light. It refused to come on during our passage from Barbados. We had no problems with it on the 21 day Atlantic crossing but now it's gone on strike. Presumably a dodgy connection somewhere. Investigations still to take place.

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