Thursday 18 April 2024

To Saint Martin

On Thursday 18th April we woke up to an overcast day and so cancelled snorkeling. We left at 1015 bound for St Martin, rather earlier in the month than we had planned.

In addition to Saba we also left one of the many Diamond rocks decorating the Carribbean in our wake....

As expected, the day was almost windless  and so we motored all the way.

After a completely unremarkable day, we dropped the hook in Marigot Bay, St Martin in time to watch the sunset. 

Marigot Bay is another busy anchorage - especially, I suspect, at this time of year, when like us, many yachts choose St Martin their departure point for heading north to either North America or Europe before the start of the Hurricane season in June. Benefitting from European levels of investment it's the most northerly of the Carribbean islands where 'yachties' can stock up with their favourite European delecasies and get those essential spare parts for the boat. 

We'll spend the next week or so preparing the boat for the passage to Bermuda and exploring St Martin. The island is half French and half Dutch. We are currently anchored on the French side, the north of the island. Tomorrow we'll have to check-in with the authorities. 

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