Tuesday 11 June 2024

Bermuda to Nova Scotia: Days 3-4: 10/6-11/6

Well the grib indicated a choice between heading further east and getting some very strong winds from behind (if everything worked to plan, but if it didn't and we got trapped on the west side of the low, we'd get clobbered by equally strong winds on the nose); or staying on a northerly course and face the prospect of hitting calms tomorrow (Tuesday) morning which may last a day or so. 

I chose the latter! 

We continued to make pretty good progress through the day and overnight averaging around 5 knots, then at 0530 the wind veered suddenly and we had to go close hauled. By 0750 we were becalmed. 

We motored for a couple of hours to charge batteries, but then drifted again beyond midday when the coverage of this blog post ceases!

Covered 87 miles in the preceding 24 hours.

Spoiler alert - got going again at 1500 with a completely unforecast SE wind!

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