Thursday 13 June 2024

Bermuda to Nova Scotia - Days 4-5, 11-12/6

Apologies but this will be brief due to other demands on time, about which more detail tomorrow hopefully.

The 24 hour period from noon to noon started well in fresh winds and two reefs making good progress but by 0800 on the 11th we were becalmed and the engine went on to maintain the batteries while we got a forecast. At 1000 the engine went off and we drifted. We were still drifting by noon on the 11th, the end of the 24 hour period and the time covered by this post.

We made a paltry 56 miles in the period.

Spoiler alert - there's worse to come!

1 comment:

  1. you've prodded me into researching a bit of geography: how do Nova Scotia and Newfoundland fit together and also Labrador. I've been up to Sandwood Bay ( just south of Cape Wrath ) a couple of times and a comment about it is that the next land west is Labrador. Now I know.
    Best wishes
