Thursday, 13 June 2024

Bermuda to Nova Scotia: Days 5-6, 11-12/6/24

First a correction the previous Post. It did originally say we covered 87 miles, it should have said, and now does say, 56 miles, which is pretty dam miserable. But that's behind us.
On to 'this' 24 hour period.

It started as the previous one finished with Bonny drifting aimlessly around the north atlantic ocean without a care in the world.

By 1500 the wind returned and we were making reasonable progress at 4-5 knots. By 0500 the breeze died to less than 10 knots which, in very sloppy seas, prevented any progress from being made. So the engine went back on until 0800 when, with a little more wind and a flatter sea, we were sailing again - until 0945 that is, when the breeze died completely and the engine went back on!

All in all a very frustrating period and so we decided an up-date was called for. 

Thats when we discovered the disorder in Florida and that it was expected to migrate up the eastern seaboard of North America, all the way to Canada! No, not Trump's barmy army but the weather. So whilst the constitution of the USA wasn't under further threat, mine certainly was. You can read all about it in the previous post.

So, feeling rather chased, we motored on, hoping we would arrive before the disorder affected Nova Scotia and our route towards it. Whether our fuel stocks would last the course was in the balance and depended on how much of the last 300 miles we would be able to sail.

By midday we had made 122 miles over the preceeding 24 hours.  A decent start.

Will Bonny get a pasting before finding refuge. How long will it take to get there? [Non spoiler - given the constantly changing forecast it could take anything beteen 3 days and 7 days] Where is there? 
Will we run out of chocolate? Will Vince catch his plane on the 22nd?

Stay tuned!

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