I was determined to make an early start today and so set my alarm for 0800. I dragged myself out of be at 0830 made a cup of coffee and tidied up a bit. Mick and not stirred by 0900 and so I made him a cup of tea and announced the fact to him. To give him his due he emerged within minutes to consume it.
Then to coin that immortal Monty Python phrase, "all of a sudden, nothing happened". At least that's what it felt like! We were finally ready to go sailing by about midday!
So we got our life jackets on and started working out what the various bits of string attached to the mainsail did. You'd be surprised how many bits of string are required to control a triangle! Having worked out what most of them did, we decided that quite a few were in the wrong place. So the next few hours were spent reorganising bits of string and the things they were attached to!
By 1400 we needed sustenance and so still at anchor, I made sandwiches for the crew. Finally at around 1515 we got the anchor up and sailed gently towards the harbour entrance.
[There will now be a short intermission while we have dinner - cooked by Mick]
That was great - Dahl, potatoes, cabbage and ravioli!
Had a cracking sail. Various things got stuck or broke but nothing beyond what one would expect after a long period of inactivity.
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