Wednesday 9 June 2021

Three down!

Landed in Albufeira last night and got to the boat around 2330. All seemed well on board. Faffed about and eventually hit the sack around 0200.

Emerged from our bunks around 0900. More faffing and then unpacking. Peter and Anita dropped by to say hi at midday. Anita is the lovely lady who modified Bonny's forepeak upholstery and made Lee Cloths. A late breakfast ashore followed during which we reviewed the jobs list.

Returned to the boat, stowed gear and personal affects; then reviewed the designer requirements for the various jobs and compiled shopping list. 

Showered and went ashore to meet up with Peter, Steff, Anita for drinks and nosh. A very enjoyable evening.

Returned to the boat around 2130 to complete shopping list and test the Spa brand Tonic!

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