Monday, 28 June 2021

"Ice with everything"

So said, I think, Tristan Jones, at one point, in his novel "Ice".

The great adventurer/story teller, was referring to a rather different form of ice to that featured above. However, on the good ship "Bonny" we were pleased to discover that we could indeed make ice on board! I hasten to add that we won't be downing G&Ts all the way to the Azores, but it is rather pleasant to have the odd one or two at anchor here in Ferragudo!

Today was another shopping day. This time in Portamaio. We got ashore just in time for lunch and on leaving the restaurant noticed this chap...

...the thing is, he or she, is sitting on a nest on top of a chimney that is very much in use - the kitchen at the bottom cooked our lunch...
After lunch we went on a tour of a number of retail establishments in search, primarly of yet more stuff for the boat. Our mission was pretty successful and after an eight mile hike around town we finally returned to the boat to consume G&T's with home made ice 😁!

Tomorrow, I hope we'll complete our essential jobs and so be 'ready' to leave on Wednesday.

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