Sunday 27 June 2021


Further to my slightly downbeat posting earlier, I'm pleased to say that things are looking brighter now.

The photo above is of course of the steering wheel, but if you look closely you will see two lines from the floor in the centre going off at 45 degrees to the wheel via a couple of black boxes. That's our home made wheel lock. The black boxes are jam cleats. We need to be able to lock the wheel when using the Hydrovane (wind vane self steering system) and the existing wheel lock mechanism is not strong enough in fresh winds. That was done yesterday but i forgot to mention it!

Given our late night yarning with Peter we were up even later that normal but we did get through a few things. Firstly, thanks to Mick's visit to "HIPERCHINA" on Thursday, we now had the tools needed to remove the water filter for the engine cooling system..

Mick's purchase was also by way of attonement for, some years ago, dropping a previous wrench to the bottom of the Medway only nano seconds after scoffing my suggestion to tie the thing on first!

The filter is in the right-hand arm of the upside down 'V'.

I then re-secured the spare anchor in the cockpit locker having previously cocked up the first attempt. Mick tackled the fuel tank repair...

And then installed a safety bar in front of the cooker to prevent people from landing on the cooker in rough weather....
I fitted the deck life - lines and secured some more locker tops down below. 

Tomorrow we need to get ashore forcstill more boat bits. With luck we may be ready to push off on Wednesday or even Tuesday.

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