Friday 18 June 2021

More from Ferragudo

Two post in one day may seem excessive but the primary reason for this one is to practice posting photos on the blog from my mobile. I've finally worked out how to do it. Vincent my youngest will dispair at my ineptitude!

Anyway after our chat with Peter earlier we eventually launched the dinghy and went in search of the Chandlery for a few boaty bits.

Then it was over to Ferragudo to look around and have a very late lunch.

The "gem of the region" was clearly rather shy as there was no obvious means of getting ashore at the town quay. Initially we attempted to moor the dinghy near a local fishing boat but got shop's away by the grumpy Fisherman. I hope his brother or sister don't run one of the local restaurants desperate for visitors!

After a further look round we found a spot that would do but we needed a long mooring line and so had to return to the boat for it.

We finally got ashore and yes Ferragudo is a pleasant town....

After looking around it was back to the square for our late lunch...

Lunch was followed by a gentle stroll along the beach with views across to the town and Anchorage...

The town looks quite something at night...
Tomorrow we plan to go for our shakedown sail 🤞

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