Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Day 3 towards Santa Maria (11/7/21)

Looking forward through the sprayhood window.

I slept pretty well until about 0730 when i got up and relieved Mick. I had noticed s change in the boat's motion from my bunk - a bit more rolly but Mick reported the motion was easier and he was feeling a bit better as a result. He's moved his sleeping quarters from the focastle-which is rather lively in these conditions- to the quarter berth (behind the chart table at bottom right below).

Below decks from the compaion way.

The sun had risen a little before but it took a couple more hours for it to reach the cockpit and dry things out - that is until the next rogue wave dumped itself in there. So far I have contrived not to be out there when the visitors have called, but it's only a matter of time. At midday it's too hot for waterproof gear and so when I do cop it I will get drenched. 
I've had two near misses whilst playing with the GoPro already! I was hoping to get some footage of waves breaking over the boat. Of course I missed the most spectacular one!

With 238 miles to run at midday we are now over half way in distance terms. IF we keep up this speed - around 5 knots - we should be in by Tuesday evening - assuming we are allowed into Vila do Porto on Santa Maria that is. I hope so, it's a charming island of which I have fond memories when Tony and I visited on Arctic Smoke in 2015. I left a very poor painting on the harbour wall. I wonder if any of it is left? Once online I'll have to look for photographic clues of its whereabouts.

Well, it appears I was being overley cautious with respect to the amount of sail to put out. By 1600 Bonny was losing the wind in the troughs and though we had not slowed by more than half a knot I thought we could do better without over doing things and so I shook out a reef. Of course the wind increased immediately but not excessively and we were soon bowling along at 6.5 knots plus and the boat felt far more purposefull. My laziness was finally overcome by my desire speed!

My appetite (but not Mick's) was back to near normal and so i cooked up some vegetables to have with the second installment of Mick's bolegnase sauce. It went down well but i did leave some for Mick just in case he got hungry during the night. A slight change to our normal routine saw me to take the off watch from 2000 to 1200. I slept pretty well despite the ride contiuing to be quite bumpy.

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