When I took over at midnight the weather and the movement were still lively and Mick was still fighting sea sickness. I made a couple of minor course adjustments to counter our 'drift' northwards caused by a slight veering of the wind.
The lively motion of the boat made most of the berths difficult to stay in and so eventually Mick settled down in the Pilot Berth too.
The cockpit was frequently the target for mischievous waves and so tucked up tight under the sprayhood to avoid the worst of them. For a while it was benign enough to do some star gazing aided by the sky App on my phone.
Mick woke up around 0530 and so we swapped around then. He said the berth was wet which was a disappointment but on closer inspection it turned out the hull light (window) was weeping when the boat was heeling over. Hopefully this can be cured by tightening up the bolts a little but even if it has to be removed it's a relatively straightforward job to be added to the ever present list including re- stitching the sacrificial strip on the Genoa.
I finished off the bolegnase sauce and veg for breakfast.
It's beginning to look like we'll arrive at Vila do Porto in Sant Maria tomorrow morning. The photo at the top shows our rig from about 1400. The wind has veered further East as predicted and we now need it on the quarter to head for Santa Maria.
With the wind behind us the boat's motion has changed, less pitching and more rolling which Mick finds much more comfortable and is so feeling better.
He sleeps for much of the afternoon until around 1800 when I hit the sack after a very pleasant afternoon in the cockpit.
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