Friday 9 July 2021

Goodbye Funchal and Madeira

This morning Mick went off and did the shopping while i did the laundry and filled the water tank and generally prepared the boat for sea.

On Mick's return we established we had forgotten all about cake and so we both went out to get some and also Tonic!

That done we had a late breakfast or an early lunch on the town centre before heading for the boat.

We dropped our mooring lines arount 1410 and reversed out of the tight berth without mishap. Fortunately, there was little wind and we were able to turn the boat round in the small space available and get out of the marina without embarrasent or damage.

We cleared the harbour at 1430 and motored west along the coast for our appointment with the 30 knot NE winds funnelling around the North West tip of the island! That will be some hours away.

Once we get the wind we should have a brisk sail on a beam reach all the way to Santa Maria. We expect the passage to take around 5 days.

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