Monday 19 July 2021

Farewell, 'ships in the day' and a correction

Farewell to  Santa Maria that is though we may be back before long. We are now en route for Ponta Delgada and should be there later today. We are moderately close hauled on the port tack making about 3.5 knots. The wind is due to increase later so we should pick up speed then.

Whatever the opposite of a 'triumph of timing' is, occured an hour or so ago. My pal George who participated in the single handed 'Jester Azores Challenge' in his beautiful wooden sloop, ' Good Report', passed us about and a quarter off, bound for Santa Maria! I hope we are able bto meet properly before we both leave the Azores.

The correction is in regard to one of the boat's names quoted previously; it's "Tarmin" not 'Taremin'.

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