Monday, 23 August 2021

5th Day and Night at sea (to Monday dawn)

Well the "red sky in the morning" suggested rather more than it delivered. It was rhough a largely overcast day with only occasional sunny periods and it did rain or rather drizzle on and off during the day. The good news though was that we kept a decent breeze for the day and following night and must have averaged almost 6 knots. 

Based on information received from Ian, our on-shore weather man, we now have hopes that we may get lucky and make the Western approaches in time to hitch a ride on a shallow low due to develop in the area in a few days and so keep a fair breeze all the way to Falmouth! 

It is a bit perverse that having gone to all the expense and effort to put to sea we are so focussed on how quickly we will arrive at our destination. My rationalisation for this on this occasion has two elements. Firstly and for me, this applies to every passage, short or long; I love the feeling of the boat sailing/performing well - when she's 'in the grove". When coastal sailing this can include ghosting along with barely a breeze in flat water but in the open ocean there is nearly always a  swell running and for a boat like Bonny that means that with winds below 10 knots the swell is constantly rolling the wind out of the sails. The sails slap about, make a horrible noise, wear out themselves and the rigging more quickly, the boat rolls more and goes even slower. That all adds up to a sense of frustration and disatiafaction and the desire to do better - to go faster even when there's no timetable to keep. 

On this occasion another couple of factors are in play too. We have booked and most importantly paid for, two dinners at the Ocean Cruising Club's 'West Country Meet' in Falmouth and Helford, over the bank holiday weekend and even more importantly, Sharon is driving down with Stephen, Ines and Amara to spend that weekend with us. 

It'a 0636 and dawn is breaking to welcome what looks like is going to be a grey damp day - it's beginning to feel like home already! 
When I took ovee the Watch at 0400 it was raining and it looks like it will again. I therefore rigged the extension to the Sprayhood which provides a little more shelter...

The wind has eased and backed a little since yesterday afternoon - probably down to 12 knots but we're still making about 6 knots over the bottom with the wind just aft of the beam. nj j  

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