Tuesday 24 August 2021

Last Day at Sea? "No" 🤣 (day/night at sea 12 to dawn on 24/8)

This looked like our last dawn and day at sea. At the time of writing (1000 ish on 23/10, we are 47 miles from the Lizard under power at 3 knots (we have a foul tide). Unfortunately, we are having to dodge a number of fishing vessels which means we cannot head directly for the Lizard.

Ha, ha, how quickly things change! As at 1100 it became apparent that we would not get in tonight! We now have a nice breeze (albeit from where we are headed) and the sun is out and Dolphins are playing around the boat so we are sailing once again, heading roughly East. If this breeze continues we will tack North later today.

Further good news is that a liberal application of WD40 to the moving parts of the hydrovane has restored its health and 'Red' is once again at the helm!

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