The day started like this and ended like this...
In between it was sunny all day! The night was however significantly cooler than the previous one - I donned jeans, a fleece and a jacket for the first time when not required by breaking waves!
Dinner comprised Soup made from the veg left over from the previous meal with a tin of peas and a packet of instant soup thrown in. It turned out all right.
It took until the late afternoon before we finally lost sight of Sao Miguel astrern. The winds for the most part during the daylight hours were light and we made slow progress. We spent a few hours yesterday morning (12/8) heading North West in search of wind and then headed North East again. After a 6 hours or so it ran out again and we continued at a slow 2-3 knots with the 'promise' of more to come in a few hours. It was actually well into the middle night watch (0100-0400) before it returned. We're now (at 0630 on 13/8) heading NNE at around 5k with the wind behind us. I plan to gybe once it's light and head NE. We have an area of low pressure to our NW that looks like it will continue to provide us with good winds from the SW for the next couple of days. Hopefully we'll stay sufficiently South of it to avoid winds of 25k + but sufficiently North to avoid a big area of light winds to our East.
Orion has been rising in the East for the last couple of hours and the first hint of dawn at 0630 (BST) is beging to rub out the sars in the East - Orion will follow bthem soon.
When I came on watch at 0400, Agustin said there had been lots of shooting stars and they continued through the night. The planet must be going through a meteor shower.
Another dawn....
We've had two days at sea without a drop of water in the cockpit which feels like something of record. However, we expect a mixture of calms and headwinds ahead and so that is likely ro change.
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