Wednesday 11 August 2021

We're off!

That's Sao Miguel. We are motoring Westwards in light following winds along her south coast. The weather is complicated. We are trying to get into an area of moderate following winds to the North East of the islands. We have to get round the South East corner first....

If we are too slow we could get stuck in a big calm patch for days! We may have to motor for most of the night which will be a drag. We also have to be mindful of our fuel consumption. We may have enough for 4 days of motoring but of course we will need to keep enough for entering port at the other end, so this is a roll of the dice - can we get to and hold on to, decent wind quickly enough and without burning too much fuel? 

Brief updates will be posted on the Yellowbrick tracker blog from time to time. Position reports will be posted every 6 hours.🤞

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