Tuesday 24 August 2021

Arrived Falmouth

We moored up at 0710 this morning, Tuesday, 24/8. 

Celebrations yes, but also countering exasperation at the awful bureaucracy we now have to wade through thanks to Brexit and Covid. The official government process does not for yachts that have spent more than 10 days at sea and so the officials have to advise us to lie on the form! Day 2 Covid test took an age to find and will cost us £129 each.

The Shipping Forecast at 1755 yesterday indicated the possibility of Force 6 North East winds today. That would have been dead on the nose and rather uncomfortable, so at 1820, with 27 miles 5-6 hours) to the Lizard, we turned the engine back on and headed directly for the headland, in the hope that we can make port before the F6 arrives!

We did obviously. However, our new neighbours confirmed that the wind did indeed get up and they had to vacate their anchorage in Helford because it was to rough!

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